Ohio Orthopedic Center of Excellence Doctors

Ohio Orthopedic Center of Excellence location on:

4605 Sawmill Rd Columbus, OH 43220
(614) 459-4600
Contact: Smith, Tim Business
Description: Additional phone - (614) 827-8700.

Ohio Orthopedic Center of Excellence also have a eClinicalWorks

Ohio Orthopedic Center of Excellence in Upper Arlington selected eClinicalWorks as its electronic health record for its 59 providers. The system includes features and templates customized for more than 50 specialties and subspecialties. It also allows providers to take advantage of provisions in the HITECH Act to demonstrate meaningful use. "We chose eClinicalWorks due to the fully integrated platform making reporting features seamless; opportunities for interoperability in the Columbus medical community, along with its success in aiding practices to achieve meaningful use, customizable workflows and templates and responsiveness in research and development," said Kathie Dodds, EMR project leader for Ohio Orthopedic Center of Excellence.

Ohio Orthopedic Center of Excellence Opens Two Therapy Service Locations in Delaware, Ohio, and in Columbus. The Delaware location will open on May 1, with a staff of three physical therapists. The 5,000-square-foot Columbus location will also open in May and will be staffed with four to five physical therapists.
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